Project designation | Modernization of the production process
Project code | PDR2020-3.3.1-FEADER-034160
Main objective | Reinforce the competitiveness of the agri-food sector
Region of intervention | NORTH
Beneficiary entity | LACTICÍNIOS MAF, LTD
Approval date | 2018-01-17
Start date | 2017-04-26
Completion date | 12-31-2020
Total eligible cost | 212,165.55 Euros
Financial support from the European Union | FEADER: 49,646.74 Euros
National public financial support | 14,002.93 Euros
Objectives, activities and expected results |
The presented operation aims to promote the modernization of the factory and the cheese production process, enhancing the creation of value, quality and food safety. At the same time, ensure the compatibility of investments with the environmental regulations in force, to guarantee and leverage foreign markets.
✓ Implementation of whey treatment and cooling processes so that it can be stored and transported under quality conditions and reduce environmental impact.
✓Create conditions to develop new products, for specific markets and consumers, with equipment that allows the optimization of lines.
✓ Improvement of sanitary conditions, namely in the hygiene of surfaces and equipment, movement of internal product loads, external means of transport in local distribution and in the computerization and control of processes.